
6 April 2012

It’s been a wonderful year so far and am really excited to see how things turn out.

We’re just 5 months along with a little bun in the oven (Dr thinks it might be a girl so we’re gonna go along with that for now) and after a 2 month break in the first trimester, I went back to work early March.

It’s been quite tiring and the backache’s have been bad but I’m so happy that we’re finally expecting that it’s become a happy kinda pain (sort of). After burping like a sailor for 2 months, am glad I am now more fit for decent company.

Anyhow, in light of the fact that I will be soon a full-time mom, I thought this would be the perfect time to get my creative juices flowing again with writing, crafts, cooking and baking. Am thinking of trying my hand at food styling and photography too but shall not be ambitious, will see what happens.

Given that I haven’t done anything except the occasional casual dinner and one creative writing job, I’m pretty much a greenhorn at all of the above.  Nevertheless, I’m really excited to give it a go and see what happens!

Promise to check in again soon.