Young Coconut Jam

We stayed a week at the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Devi in Chiang Mai last year and got utterly spoilt. The resort was beyond beautiful and we spent all our time lounging by the pool and just chilling out.

We started our days with private Muay Thai lessons (a first for both of us!) and it was awesome. Henry was so hooked on it that he joined a Muay Thai gym almost immediately when we got back!

So anyway, breakfast was a wonderful affair but what blew me away was the selection of jams on offer, in particular a Young Coconut Jam. Wonderfully fragrant, with strips of fresh young coconut, it was luscious yet wonderfully light somehow.

So i badgered the restaurant for the recipe but all they could give me was the list of ingredients. So i guess I’ll have to do the whole trial and error thing!


500g Coconut Juice
1000g coconut grated white
1500g coconut milk
200g coconut flakes
200g coconut sugar
2g salt
2pcs pandan leaf
30g pectin
100g sugar
50g trimoline

Having trouble getting my hands on coconut sugar, pectin and trimoline – cannot seem to find them on our regular supermarket shelves!

Will likely give this a go after we give birth and baby’s more settled…

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