Tuna Pasta Salad with Sriracha Sauce

We bought a bottle of Sriracha sauce some months back when my mom was fine tuning her Beef Pho and we needed chilli sauce to go with it. After much hunting, we managed to get a bottle from a specialty deli but then it went sadly neglected for another few months when/after I delivered Sophie. Well, Neglect No More!

We tried it during lunch with fish and chips yesterday. Awesome. And again at dinner with some fried chicken wings. Waaaay awesome. Duly impressed, I searched for a way to make it into a sauce that can be used with pasta (my favourite carb), and here we are, loosely adapted from Okie Dokie Artichokie’s recipe for Salmon & Cavatappi Pasta Salad:


  • 2 cups Farfalle pasta (or any type of short pasta you prefer for salad)
  • 1 can tuna, drained and broken into chunks with a fork
  • 1 red onion, finely sliced
  • 3-4 sticks celery, finely sliced
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 3-4 tbsps Sriracha sauce

1. Cook pasta according to packet instructions, remember to add a good amount of salt to the boiling water.

2. For sauce, mix yogurt, Sriracha sauce and lime in a bowl, whisk through and add salt to taste.

3. Toss red onion, celery, tuna and pasta in sauce and mix well. Gently mix in the pasta, making sure that the sauce is nicely coated through it.



Balsamic Vinaigrette

Homemade salad dressing – Makes approx 1 cup

5 tablespoons balsamic, white, or red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 teaspoons Dijon mustard or regular mustard
3 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or honey as a substitute)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Ground black pepper to taste
5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Directions: Toss all ingredients into a bowl and whisk! Refrigerate.


Gado-Gado (20 servings)


3 Large Cucumbers – sliced
1kg Long Beans – boiled lightly and cut to 1½ cm lengths
1kg Bean Sprouts – lightly blanched
Whole head of Cabbage – finely sliced
½ kg Lettuce – slice to 1½ cm lengths
5 Boiled Potatoes – slice using egg slicer
10 Boiled Eggs – slice using egg slicer
5 Fried Tauhu (Fried then sliced) – slice to approximately same thickness as potatoes

1kg Whole Peanuts
10 Big Chillies
8 – 10 Chilli Padi (depending on how spicy you like it)
10 Small Onions
50g Dried Shrimp
1 tbsp Belachan
200g White Vinegar
65g Gula Melaka
25g Salt
300g Sugar
650g Hot Water

Handful of Emping
Handful of Keropok
Handful of Fried Onions


1.    Fry peanuts on low heat in wok until brown

2.    Remove skin from peanuts and grind to fine

3.    Wash and soak dried shrimp for awhile. Pat dry

4.    Pound dried shrimp until almost fine

5.    Fry dried shrimp until fragrant

6.    Heat up belachan in pan with medium heat until cooked

7.    Pound chillies and place aside

8.    Pound small onions and place aside (pound and use immediately, do not keep)


  1. Put chilli mixture and onion mixture into a bowl and add vinegar. Soak for few minutes
  2. Add sugar, salt, dried shrimp and belachan to chilli mixture
  3. Stir and place aside
  4. In a separate bowl, place ground peanuts and slowly add hot water while stirring. Stir well.
  5. Add chilli and onion mixture to the peanut mixture. Stir well
  6. Add gravy to your salad and dress with Emping, Keropok and fried onions on top

Gravy may be kept in freezer for up till 1 week. Thaw and let sit for 1hour before using