Fruitful Friday

Really felt like cooking today, have been looking up carrot cake recipes last few days and thought to give it a go. Also decided to try the Pineapple Fish recipe that I learnt 2 weeks ago, so here goes…

Pineapple Fish

Ingredients for Rempah:

  • 7 large chilli and 4 chilli padi, deseeded
  • Small thumb of tumeric (Kunyit), skin scraped off and cut into small chunks
  • Small knob of Galangal (Lengkuas), skin scraped off and cut into small chunks
  • 1 whole clove of garlic, peeled
  • 4 slices belachan
  • 1 lemongrass, roughly chopped
  • 3 large handfuls of small red onions (bawang merah)

Ingredients for stock:

  • 2 pcs Lemongrass, ends pounded
  • 1 good knob of Galangal (Lengkuas), lightly pounded
  • 3 pcs of Pomfret or fish head (H’s mom recommends Tua Pan Fish head – have not figured out what fish this is)
  • 1 large pineapple


  1. Fill half large stock pot with water, place 2 pcs of lemongrass and the galangal, bring to boil and lower to medium to simmer.
  2. In a blender, blend all Rempah ingredients except for onions, till fine. Add onions last and roughly blend to maintain some texture.
  3. Pour Rempah mixture into the stock and bring to boil, lower to medium high after approximately 15mins.
  4. Slice Pineapple – remove skin and eyes, cut into 3 portions and slice 1cm slices off the side until only core is left
  5. Add Pineapple to stock, bring to boil and simmer for about 20mins.
  6. Season to taste. If not sour enough, add tamarind juice (soak tamarind in water and press in to form a paste. Strain into stock through a sieve)
  7. Put fish in and bring to boil. Remove fish once cooked, unless ready to serve.
  8. To serve, Bring stock to boil and add fish pieces. Serve with soup and pineapple chunks in a tureen.