Flourless Almond and Banana Muffins

Been craving a little for bananas the past few days, but refrained from eating them as I really do not need more problems with wind in my tummy.

Fortunately, I came across this recipe which will allow me to get my fix and at the same time, make something yummy (or so I hope) for breakfast or tea.

Flourless, no butter and no oil, and honestly, hardly any sugar either, this sounds almost too good to be true. But just in case it does come out well, I will document the recipe here to avoid having to rack my brains later.


  • 260g ground almonds
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 90g sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 3 bananas (coarsely cut-up) + extra slices for topping
  • Pinch of coarse sea salt (for topping if you like)


  1. Preheat oven to 145 degrees Celsius. Line muffin pan with cups
  2. Whizz eggs, sugar, baking powder, bananas and cinnamon for about 5 ins or until pale and really fluffy. Pour over ground almonds and mix through
  3. Divide into muffin tins and top with 2-3 thin slices of banana. Bake for about 35mins till top is browned and skewer comes out clean
  4. Remove from oven and sprinkle sea salt if desired.

Just realised that i missed out on the baking powder. Muffins just came out and I’m waiting for them to cool before giving them a taste.

Here’s what they look like:

Just discovered that I forgot baking powder, that’s probably why they are a little flat. Nevertheless, I just had one and they taste pretty good, the sea salt really makes a difference, perhaps i should try sprinkling them on before baking next time, not forgetting the baking powder. Chewy, wholesome and not too sweet. yummy.

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