A Visit to TJC


5months and counting

7 April 2012

After breakfast at Marine Terrace Food Centre, H’s favorite breakfast venue, we headed to his alma mater Temasek Junior College to film his contribution to the school’s anniversary video.

I am sitting in the deck below a lecture theatre where H says he used to hang out, while writing this post. It’s a beautiful sunny day with just a slight breeze. I like the school compound, it feels nice and cosy with lots of greenery.

It’s nice for me to visit and see the school through his eyes, can imagine a younger H running about and spending time with his school chum Michelle. I can see that he’s feeling a little nostalgic, it has been 16 years after all.

I didn’t sleep very well last night, for some reason, my left was hurting again and I had to keep stretching. Started freaking out after awhile cos my tummy felt uncomfortable, probably from too much stretching. Hope it didn’t affect the baby…

We’re going to watch Sarah Chang play the Four Seasons tonight, really looking forward to that…



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